太陽信仰は今年もつづく。ただし、裏太陽。黒い太陽。太陽が必要とする反=太陽。 The cult of the sun continues. But this is the reverse side of the sun. The black sun. The anti-sun always necessitated by the sun.
太陽信仰は今年もつづく。ただし、裏太陽。黒い太陽。太陽が必要とする反=太陽。 The cult of the sun continues. But this is the reverse side of the sun. The black sun. The anti-sun always necessitated by the sun.
この世でいちばん好きな遊びのひとつ。やどかりを拾い、観察する。それからちゃんと浜辺に返すよ。 This arguably be my favorite play in the world. Picking up hermit crabs and observing them for a while. Mind you, I never forget to return them to the beach!
沖縄に行ってイラブチャーを食べたい。刺身にするときは青い皮をつけたままでね。まーす煮もうまい。まーす(塩)と泡盛だけで煮るんだよ。 How I wish I could go to Okinawa and eat this beautiful blue fish! Irabuchah is the name. When you make sashimi of it, leave the skin and enjoy the feel against your teeth. If you need to cook it, simmer it with sea salt and awamori. Simple is the best!
秋にはこんな青が見えることがある。どこかな。たぶん新宿。 Unexpectedly you come across the shades of blue in this fashion. Where is this? I bet it’s Shinjuku a decade ago.
ちょっと気が早いけど、サンタは準備万端。クリスマスが真夏の都会、ターマキマカウラウ=オークランドの街角で。 I know it’s a little too early, but Father Christmas is all set to go! In the city where Christmas is in midsummer: Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland).
この子に会った、この子は誰? どこで会った? すべては光の痕跡、忘れられて。 I’ve met this girl, but who is she? Where have I met her? All is but a trace of the light, half forgotten.
マチュピチュに行った、でもどこのマチュピチュ? 時空を超えて反復される場所。 Now I’ve been to Machu Picchu. But which Machu Picchu can it be? It’s a place repeated beyond time and space.
冬は緑が強い、東京でも。地面が緑に守られて。 In winter green is strong even in Tokyo. The ground is protected by the color green. Bless winter.
9月になると冬を待望。早く来ないかな、冬の青空。あんなに美しいものはない。きみは母親にむかって訊ねたことがあるだろうか。あれって見かけよりずっと遠いんじゃないの。空のこと。青空。青空は遠くて、全面的だ。 September it is and we are eager to have our winter back. Come already, blue winter sky! Nothing is more beautiful. Have you asked your mother: is it not in reality much more distant than it appears? The sky that is. The blue sky. The blue sky is far and global. There is no denying it.
夏の命。コフキコガネの命。 This is the embodiment of life in summer. Life is. There is no individuality. The beetle and the flower are one.