
by 管啓次郎


ジョクジャカルタの市内にはけっこうな数の馬車が走っている。もちろん観光客向けだが、交通の混沌の中で馬たちを見るとほっとする。 In the city center of Yogyakarta you see not little number of horses pulling carriages. All meant for tourism, that is true, but it is so refreshing to see them in the chaos of urban traffic.


ジャワ島の伝統的影絵芝居といえばワヤン・クリ。人形はきれいに彩色されて、芝居はスクリーンの前で上映される。表から見ればカラフルな世界、裏から見ると影絵。王族たちは表に、庶民は裏に。 Wayang klit is the traditional puppet theater in Java. Flat puppets such as this one is used. Puppets are beautifully colored and the performance takes place in front of a screen. Seen from the recto the world is colorful and from the verso it is all shadows. The sultan and his entourage see the former, the commoners the latter.


東京農大博物館の充実したコレクションのひとつが世界各国の鶏たち。そうか、こんなにたくさんの品種が飼われているんだね。この写真はミノルカ島の鶏。 Chickens from all over the world are gathered at the nice little museum of the Tokyo University of Agriculture. I'm sure you’ve never seen so many different breeds of chicken… The couple in the photo is the Minorca.


たまにはご近所探訪。東京農業大学「食と農」の博物館併設のバイオリウムへ。温室に入ればそこは未知の国でした。 It’s nice to pay more attention to your neighborhood from time to time. This is my first visit to the Food and Agriculture Museum of the Tokyo University of Agriculture near Kyodo! Once inside its Biorium, hey, it’s a world apart from the outside.

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