by 管啓次郎
なんという種類の樹木だろう。松かな。切断面の美しさにしばし見とれる。 I don’t know what kind of tree is this. Maybe a pine tree? For a while I touched and admired the beauty of its cross section.
by 管啓次郎
なんという種類の樹木だろう。松かな。切断面の美しさにしばし見とれる。 I don’t know what kind of tree is this. Maybe a pine tree? For a while I touched and admired the beauty of its cross section.
岩そのものが宇宙から飛来したと考えたくなるような。あるいは、この岩に乗って地球の外に飛び出せるような。そんなことを賢治さんも考えたのかな。種山高原にて。 Maybe this rock has flown in from the universe and landed here. Or we can use this as a vehicle to fly away from Earth’s gravity. I wonder if Miyazawa Kenji, too, had imagined such standing on this rock at Taneyama Kogen.
おやおや、こんなところで尊きお方にお目にかかれるとは! お名前を存じ上げませぬが、この世に惑うわれわれへの寛大なお導きをありがとうございます。 Oh, hey, mister, I mean, sir! How lucky I am to meet you in such an unexpected place. Very sorry that I can't recall your name, but thank you all the same for your generous guidance in this harsh world for us lost souls.
大都市を歩いていて突然訪れるのは光の瞬間。反射光が地上を天国にしてくれる、かも。 Walking around in a big city in search for a moment of unexpected illumination. Reflected lights can make this earth otherworldly.
正統派サイミンぜんぶ載せ。リフエの葉村サイミンにて。 An authentic bowl of saimin with everything on. At Hamura Saimin in Lihue, Kauai.
こんなすっきりした海をずいぶん見てない。カウアイ島。 Been away from such a fresh view of the sea for a long time. Now I realize how much I miss Kauai.
十年前のいまごろ、どんなバカをやってたのかなとふりかえると、こんなバカを。雪の原っぱでキャンプをしたものの、翌朝にはこんなに雪に埋れていました。体は冷え切って。札幌、モエレ沼公園。 One's stupidity knows no limit. This picture from ten years ago testifies to it! Camping in the snow, my tent was half buried by the morning and my teeth were chattering. Taken at Moere Numa Park, Sapporo, 2011.
クック諸島の首都ラロトンガで出会った芸能大会。いまとなってはまるで幽霊のパーティーみたい。 A local talent show I once encountered in Rarotonga, the capital of the Cook Islands. Looking back, the density of it feels like a ghostly party.
アルコール摂取をやめました。断ちがたいのは冷えたビールへのノスタルジア。せめてクック諸島をイメージで思い出すお正月。 I have decided to go teetotal. Still some habits of the mind are hard to kick. May I at least raise a bottle in image with this beer from the Cook Islands to celebrate the year 2021?