
by 管啓次郎


9月になると冬を待望。早く来ないかな、冬の青空。あんなに美しいものはない。きみは母親にむかって訊ねたことがあるだろうか。あれって見かけよりずっと遠いんじゃないの。空のこと。青空。青空は遠くて、全面的だ。 September it is and we are eager to have our winter back. Come already, blue winter sky! Nothing is more beautiful. Have you asked your mother: is it not in reality much more distant than it appears? The sky that is. The blue sky. The blue sky is far and global. There is no denying it.


夏の読書はこれかな。ルクレジオの著書2冊、革装のモーリシャス版。ルクレジオの父祖の地ロドリゲス島の本屋で購入したものを、西江雅之先生からいただいた。迷う精神の指針。 So these are my summer reading. Two masterpieces by Le Clézio, bound in leather. My mentor the late Professor Masayuki Nishie bought them at a bookshop in Rodriguez, Le Clézio’s ancestral island, and gave them to me. For my spiritual guidance in time of doubt.

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