マチュピチュに行った、でもどこのマチュピチュ? 時空を超えて反復される場所。 Now I’ve been to Machu Picchu. But which Machu Picchu can it be? It’s a place repeated beyond time and space.
マチュピチュに行った、でもどこのマチュピチュ? 時空を超えて反復される場所。 Now I’ve been to Machu Picchu. But which Machu Picchu can it be? It’s a place repeated beyond time and space.
冬は緑が強い、東京でも。地面が緑に守られて。 In winter green is strong even in Tokyo. The ground is protected by the color green. Bless winter.
9月になると冬を待望。早く来ないかな、冬の青空。あんなに美しいものはない。きみは母親にむかって訊ねたことがあるだろうか。あれって見かけよりずっと遠いんじゃないの。空のこと。青空。青空は遠くて、全面的だ。 September it is and we are eager to have our winter back. Come already, blue winter sky! Nothing is more beautiful. Have you asked your mother: is it not in reality much more distant than it appears? The sky that is. The blue sky. The blue sky is far and global. There is no denying it.
夏の命。コフキコガネの命。 This is the embodiment of life in summer. Life is. There is no individuality. The beetle and the flower are one.
夏の読書はこれかな。ルクレジオの著書2冊、革装のモーリシャス版。ルクレジオの父祖の地ロドリゲス島の本屋で購入したものを、西江雅之先生からいただいた。迷う精神の指針。 So these are my summer reading. Two masterpieces by Le Clézio, bound in leather. My mentor the late Professor Masayuki Nishie bought them at a bookshop in Rodriguez, Le Clézio’s ancestral island, and gave them to me. For my spiritual guidance in time of doubt.
オランダの夏の果実。 Soothing colors of the fruits in the Dutch summer.
オランダには独特な魅力があるね。ふつうであることの魅力、水と緑のゆたかさ。都会の夏も、こんなにのどか。 The Netherlands has a special charm. The charm of the ordinary embedded in the richness of water and greenery gives her cities suave tranquillity.
なんだか妖しいきのこ。食べたら笑うのか、死ぬのか。台湾・渓頭にて。 What kind of mushroom could this be? Does it make me laugh or die if I ate it? This is from central Taiwan.
むかしの6月に出会った花。どこかは忘れた。その光がこうして残っているんだね。 Here is a flower that I encountered in June of 2009 or thereabouts. Location forgotten. But the light of the flower remains in this fashion.
なんという種類の樹木だろう。松かな。切断面の美しさにしばし見とれる。 I don’t know what kind of tree is this. Maybe a pine tree? For a while I touched and admired the beauty of its cross section.