(注3)”To the best of my knowledge, it is still impossible to program software so as to prevent forms of harm generating- behaviour as simple as defamation” Ugo Pagallo『The Laws of Robots』(Springer2013)187頁。
(注5)”This twofold approach to the laws of robots, that is, both the perspective of legal philosophers and the knowledge of experts in positive law”Pagallo前掲10頁。
(注7)例えば、ロボットに完全な法的人格を認めるべきだという論者であっても、たしかにロボット犯罪への規制の問題の方がロボットの法的人格の問題よりも先に検討されるべき優先課題だと納得することもあり得るだろう”However, you can be a supporter of the front of Robotic Liberation and still admit that the regulation of new robotic crimes (“I-3”) should have priority” Pagallo前掲16頁。
(注8)”Paradoxically, the fact that a strong consensus still exists in the field of the laws of robots becomes clearer when the behaviour of robots falls within the loopholes of the system, provoking a new generation of hard cases. Pagallo前掲1頁。
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